Antonio Edition Level 0 - Number Bonds To 5

$7.99 $15.99

Build Confidence

Regularly practicing a skill where the only opponent is yourself is a surefire way to build confidence, as improvement is guaranteed.

The Numberella maths book range is designed to shine a light on improvement, with stickers for goal achievement, personal best achievement, and passing time thresholds. 

Used with great success by hundreds of children. 

Accelerate Processing

This book is for children of 4 onwards who are learning to count. It is the perfect way for them to transition from finger counting to mental counting. 

It will help develop their hand strength and hand writing. 

Author AFL Newberry says: 

"Also good for older children with chronic math learning issues. I have personally used this book with an 8 year old with suspected ADHD and it was the perfect way to port her into a more structured learning pattern."